Monday, August 24, 2009

Bento #21 Smiley Pikachu & Teary Pikachu

This was what we had for Sat's breakfast. Bit miserable-looking. Woke up late so didnt quite have time to make anything fancy and being Sat, bugger was super cranky as he always is on weekends. Pancakes were not as tasty cos I had to get some local brand pancake mix instead of Jap Meiji ones. So they were rather dry for me. Raw flour taste too.

Sunday night's dinner for Ks. Didnt know wat to cook so just made some mixed rice in the rice cooker: broccoli, cabbage, chinese sausage, sliced pork, pumpkin, onion & mushroom. Unfortunately, turned out bit too mushy and gooey cos of the water from the veg I think. Perfect for the kids but not for me lah.

This was Ks's plate. His pikachu looked happier (but he woke up cranky from nap on the contrary...)

This was Rn's plate and I realised cos of the lips, pikachu didnt look too happy there, eyes seem to be teary, dont you think? She got up all clingy and whiney, so it suited her. haha.

They loved it and finished everything (except the green bits of course)


  1. ..i love the sad face pikachu better~!..the smiley face also cute lah..^^

    the micky mouse very nice! you have mould for that too??

  2. ya i have mickey mould. Just attempted it today. :)
