Friday, August 21, 2009

Bento #19 Mr & Mrs Gingerbread Man on a car ride

Since we had some leftover chicken karaage from dinner last night, I prepared a sandwich for papa to bring to work in the morning.
This was his brekkie today.

Here is Ks eating the car breakfast I prepared this morning. He finished every bit of it!
Called the flower ham "octopus feelers".

Cos he was moving, picture was blurry...

And finally took a shot of the lil girl having her bento.

She quite liked the jam heart sandwich too surprisingly.
Left about a quarter of the bento.

Cos of time constraint, I made the parts for the car bread last night and stored them in the fridge. Showed them to papa and asked him to guess wat they were. He said Crocs? *faint*

This idea was taken from shoppingmum and the bread was cut from hotdog buns.
I used spaghetti strips to pin the fish sausage wheels to the bread. 1st time using strips and it was pretty easy to do. Of course, I used my new carla punchers so it saved me the hassle of cutting the smiley mouths.

Rn's car had her R initial on the car. Can you see that Mrs Gingerbread Man has longer hair?

Ks's bento has his K on the car and I had to quickly snap this photo before gingerbread man's sad-looking hair falls off for the umpteenth time! grrr...

Without drivers... Mr & Mrs Gingerbread Man were still being fried in the pan when I took this.

And this was the kids breakfast bento for today.
It's worth waking at 6am for this since they liked it!

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