Friday, August 14, 2009

Bento #14 Winnie the pooh & green airplanes for brekkie

Hmm..wat's for breakfast today?

Mmm...poohbear's eyebrow & mouth are tasty!

Aaargh...I'm coming to get you!

(And Nana watches in horror at the sight of her barbaric brother)

Actually the sequence of the photos are wrong. If you notice that I put the eaten eyebrow parts first. But from his facial expressions, they're quite apt, aren't they? *wink*
Anyway...Ken has smoked cheese poohbear with porkfloss filling (again, since they loved them the 1st time) and also green airplanes with dolphin cheese with strawberry jam filling. I used pandan bread for some colour variation. Squeezed in quite a bit of mayo too cos he loves mayo so much. He ate about 3/4 of it while I finished up the last bit just to see how it tasted like. I must say, mayo, pork floss and smoked cheese go pretty well together! Rather rich in taste & slightly sticky too.

Nana has normal cheese and I realise the smoked one somehow looked more like poohbear eh? Also made mini stars and cheese for her. She's been really fussy and restless at mealtimes lately. Getting her to sit down properly is really hard. She's always running around all over the place after just 1 mouthful or sometimes refusing to open her mouth too.
Nonetheless, after much chasing around and a good 30mins or so, (goodness why is eating so difficult, you wonder), she more or less cleaned out more than half of the bento.
So well, I'm quite happy about that.

Preps and cutting etc were done the night before, maid helped me yet again with the seaweed eyes, brows & nose. It's been really warm & humid lately and by the time we were done, we were drenched in sweat. Kids' hair were completely wet too, as if they just showered!

Actually, now that I'm taking a closer look at the pooh's faces...their mouths are like grossly big, no? Look rather like a clown's to me!!

1 comment:

  1. The Winnie face really cute^^

    kenshin must have enjoyed it very much~he looks so happy~!
