Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bento #12 Pork floss circle sandwich with striped stars

I was tired out last night so didnt do anything. So I decided to set the alarm at 7am deliberately so I could prepare breakfast (in peace) while kids were still asleep. How wrong I was... Rn woke just 5 mins after I started, while Ks started his usual morning wailing immediately after.
(I totally can't stand his loud wailing the min he opens his eyes in the morning! When will this ever end, I wonder? Is it that difficult to like give his mum a cheery morning greeting?) I didnt attend to his wails (bad mummy) and continued on the preps.

I had to do a couple of things: prepare & cut the cheese & pile them to make striped cheese.
This time, I used chesdale cheese. And the results are better than my 1st attempt. Cheese stuck rather well together and was easy to cut, although the cheese still tend to get stuck in the mould.

I used up 4 plain cheese & 4 smoked cheese to make about 4 'lapis'.

I used pork floss for the sandwich filling and it was the kids' 1st try. Rn loved it! She finished up the 4 circle sandwiches quite fast and also asked for more cheese & chicken sausage.

Ks's sandwiches were slightly larger than Rn's. He ate 3 and left 1 untouched.

Rn's lovely melody lunchbox... Hee.
I only did 1 melody shaped cheese as it was super tricky trying to get it out of the mould. Almost destroyed but I managed to salvage it and pressed it firmly back.

I do enjoy making bento a lot but if only it's less rushed and more time for me, I would be able to enjoy it more. But guess it's hard, cos when kids are awake, they will be fussing and asking for things that will disrupt me. By the time they are in bed, I would be tired by then too.
Oh well, I'll just have to learn to multi-task I guess... like last night, I was half testing out the circle sandwiches, juggling Rn standing & dancing on the chair on my right, and yelling out in response to the big one who was pooping in the toilet.

1 comment:

  1. getting the cheese out of the mould must be a very delicate job....

    and u get up at 7am?!...mothers....
