Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bento #3 Fried kway teow

I think this is one of the nicest bento so far (not that i made many...) It's actually fried kway teow (by dad) and then I cut out from the mould I received from my 1st NST package last week. I used dolphin, musical note & yacht shapes on kamaboko (for the pink bits), cheese & ham. I realise ham & cheese are what I use so often cos they are easy to cut out. I decorated them around the top of the noodles. Simple eh? Looks rather nice cos of the colours i think. Later on, I added in のりbits to it too, since Ks also likes seaweed. I packed this for him before i left for work, so he can have it as a tea snack in the car when dad picks him from school later.

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