Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bento #37 New tools & Currypanman

Finally my order from jstuff of ebay arrived on Saturday. I got some moulds and quail egg moulds, bread mould & barans.

13 Sept 09 Sunday

Since we had no plans in the morning, I decided to make something more proper for the kids' lunch.
Didnt have any ideas so since i bought some jap brown fishcake, I tried Currypanman (another character in Anpanman series. Again...)
I fried some ketchup rice together with silverfish, boiled broccoli, carrots. I realised that Currypanman kind of blended in with the ketchup rice colour so he didnt stand out that much.
Maybe I should have made some plain whitish fried rice instead.

Ks's bento

Rn's bento

He loved the rice and fed himself happily. (i really hope he will always stay a happy boy, not grouchy so mama wont be so tired and stressed all the time!)

He didnt finish all the rice..only had slightly more than half of it.
It's always easier to capture him eating and though i'd love to take more pics of the little princess eating, it's difficult cos she's usually very restless walking up and down so the photos turn out blurry.

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