Monday, September 7, 2009

Bento #33 Mickey & Minnie mouse for the 2nd time

My 1st bento customer - niece!
Bil & family came over for dinner on Sun and I wanted to make something nice for little Ws since it's my first time making for her & for someone other than the kids! *nervous nervous*
So i thought Minnie Mouse would be good since she likes that character. (the mum too)

After reaching home at about 2pm from parents place, since Rn was asleep, i put the big one on TV and got to work. Used egg white & egg yolks for the face base. Maid fried the yee mee noodles so it wasnt that much work. She did a great job cutting out the seaweed face parts too. Initially wanted to use cheese for the base but since was gonna heat up the face before eating, the cheese would melt so cant have that.

3 bentos for the kids

Love the minnie mouse's face. Probably its the pink...

Ws's bento. She has some stewed black mushrooms & quail eggs for her sides since she likes them. Finished the ingredients, ate about 3/4 of the noodles?

Rn's bento. Just as we were saying how "reluctant" it is to eat up minnie's face, Rn promptly picked up the pink ribbon and stuffed into her mouth.

Ks's bento. I didnt like this, cos of the wallow look on mickey, unbalanced eye size and the eggsheet also curled up due to too much flour while frying it.
Ks again, made a fuss and had a hard time finishing it, despite being his favorite type of carbo.
Guess he was also feeling uncomfortable with the cough, phelgm and blocked nose.

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