Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bento #30 Ladybirds...with much unhappiness

I prepared this the night before since had to send Ks to school early this morning. Only had to reheat the croissants.

After finishing the preparations last night and preparing for bedtime with Ks, he went into his (countless) temperaments when i switched off the tv. I've had it with him there and then. Flew into a mad rage and decided had enough of his shouting & rude behaviour.
Finally caned him with the feather duster.
Maybe its due to stress from various factors, my tolerance level was very low and I could no longer hold back. Think it was more than 5 times on the butt area. Dont know, dont care.

Left maid to clean him up.
This morning, maid asked for hirudoid & i saw 3 red angry whip marks on his buttocks.
But u know wat, nothing changed. Still gave me a bloody hard time in the morning.
How do i go about discplining? I really dont know anymore. And am just too tired.
If there is terrible twos, is this fearless fours for me??

I think it was bit too dry and I only knew after i tried their leftovers. So they didnt quite like it. Finished about 3/4 of 1 croissant only but ate up the bits of eyes, crabmeats and eggs.

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