Sunday, September 27, 2009

New tools from Bento Market

I ordered this some time ago from Bento Market, for the Shinkansen lunchbox.
Finally arrived on 2 weeks ago on Thursday.

Shinkansen lunchbox, alphabet picks, leaf picks and Miffy cutters.
Realised that it's been a week since my last bento made.
Been tired and also having early nights with Ks (so that I can watch my fav Korean dvd) so havent been making anything.
Also need to get more ideas to use different ingredients for the side dishes.
Have yet to try out the Panda breadmaker and miffy cutters.
Will see if I can come up with something on Wed...

Banto #41 Bunny beehoon

We stayed home today so since maid was frying some beehoon for lunch, I decided to do something simple as I was quite tired.

Bunny on beehoon with fish nuggets.
Their cheeks were a touch of ketchup each.

Ks finished most of it.

Rn who had been very fussy lately with meals, hardly touched it. Only ate up one nugget and 1/4 of the beehoon.

Bento #40 Batman for 4th Birthday & one for papa

24 Sept: Ks went for his school excursion to the veg farm with papa.
I made Batman bento and another simple bento for papa to bring along.
This was his first excursion with papa.

With Shoya, his best friend in class.

Batman bento with Hapy Bday words. (not spelling error space to fit in!)

Papa's bento

Bento #39 Boy & girl

I've slowed down in making bentos cos not in much of a mood lately.
Also didnt want to feed the kids too much processed food.
Here are some bentos I made few days back.

21 Sept 09:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bento #38 Little lions

Ks wasnt around this morning so I made some lions with carrot chicken ham filling in wholemeal bread for Rn.

She finished almost everything!

Bento #37 New tools & Currypanman

Finally my order from jstuff of ebay arrived on Saturday. I got some moulds and quail egg moulds, bread mould & barans.

13 Sept 09 Sunday

Since we had no plans in the morning, I decided to make something more proper for the kids' lunch.
Didnt have any ideas so since i bought some jap brown fishcake, I tried Currypanman (another character in Anpanman series. Again...)
I fried some ketchup rice together with silverfish, boiled broccoli, carrots. I realised that Currypanman kind of blended in with the ketchup rice colour so he didnt stand out that much.
Maybe I should have made some plain whitish fried rice instead.

Ks's bento

Rn's bento

He loved the rice and fed himself happily. (i really hope he will always stay a happy boy, not grouchy so mama wont be so tired and stressed all the time!)

He didnt finish all the rice..only had slightly more than half of it.
It's always easier to capture him eating and though i'd love to take more pics of the little princess eating, it's difficult cos she's usually very restless walking up and down so the photos turn out blurry.

Bento #36 Bear & bunny

13 Sept 09

Last week was a really bad week for me. Breathlessness, heart racing like mad, anxiety.
Wasnt quite in the mood or state to make anything fancy.

Another simple bear & bunny jam sandwich.

Bento #35 Cars

11 Sept 09

Ks and his car breakfast.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Bento #34 Froggie

9 Sept 09

A simple froggie breakfast for the kids.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bento #33 Mickey & Minnie mouse for the 2nd time

My 1st bento customer - niece!
Bil & family came over for dinner on Sun and I wanted to make something nice for little Ws since it's my first time making for her & for someone other than the kids! *nervous nervous*
So i thought Minnie Mouse would be good since she likes that character. (the mum too)

After reaching home at about 2pm from parents place, since Rn was asleep, i put the big one on TV and got to work. Used egg white & egg yolks for the face base. Maid fried the yee mee noodles so it wasnt that much work. She did a great job cutting out the seaweed face parts too. Initially wanted to use cheese for the base but since was gonna heat up the face before eating, the cheese would melt so cant have that.

3 bentos for the kids

Love the minnie mouse's face. Probably its the pink...

Ws's bento. She has some stewed black mushrooms & quail eggs for her sides since she likes them. Finished the ingredients, ate about 3/4 of the noodles?

Rn's bento. Just as we were saying how "reluctant" it is to eat up minnie's face, Rn promptly picked up the pink ribbon and stuffed into her mouth.

Ks's bento. I didnt like this, cos of the wallow look on mickey, unbalanced eye size and the eggsheet also curled up due to too much flour while frying it.
Ks again, made a fuss and had a hard time finishing it, despite being his favorite type of carbo.
Guess he was also feeling uncomfortable with the cough, phelgm and blocked nose.

Bento #32 Square bear sandwich

Since it was sat and fridge was almost empty, thought just make a simple lunch for the kids.
Filling was pork floss. They ate this after we reached SG... Ks made a fuss as always, cos he wanted his mian mian. After much coaxing from my mum (I gave up on him), he managed to finish it.

I still dunno why sometimes the pic turns out like that after uploading...
It's straight when i view the actual pic.

Gingerbread man just for fun. Jam inside

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bento #31 Little boy & little girl

This week's been pretty hectic. Didnt have time to fix any proper lunch bentos for them. Took a break for morning so while out sending Ks to school, instructed maid wat to prepare: cook rice, panfry salmon and shred it, steam spinach, fry scrambled egg, toast salmon fishcakes & ebi fry.
Everything was mostly ready by time it was 10am so I started.
Wasnt as smooth cos it was first time trying out with a face shape with surrounding salmon flakes. Salmon bits were falling into the rice and I think it's due to the small bento box. No space! Managed to press and push to tighten the rice. Oh the spinach was chopped finely and i squeezed them in between the rice and salmon/egg, so they cant be seen. So at least they get their dose of greens. When i finished, called dad to come over to see and he said the face didnt stand out cos the salmon/egg were too much and also higher than the rice face.
Below was after "amendment". I added in more rice to the faces so it protrudes out more.

Ks's bento. His is simpler and I dont like it so much cos i thought could've done something more with his hair. Looks kinda pathetic huh..

Rn's bento. If u see carefully, the forehead and eye areas are like sunken, cos I didnt add in more rice on that part. Didnt want to touch the eyes/lashes cos they were so stubborn and took some time to stay in place! *sweat* So i only added in the lower portion, thats why it looks somewhat weird huh? LOL! No time no time...had to rush to get myself ready for work!

I'm still wondering wat i can use for the side dishes cos it's always fried stuff. I wanted to make meatballs but think they'll be spat out, unless they taste like ikea's swedish meat balls! But cant have anything too wet in the bento either.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bento #30 Ladybirds...with much unhappiness

I prepared this the night before since had to send Ks to school early this morning. Only had to reheat the croissants.

After finishing the preparations last night and preparing for bedtime with Ks, he went into his (countless) temperaments when i switched off the tv. I've had it with him there and then. Flew into a mad rage and decided had enough of his shouting & rude behaviour.
Finally caned him with the feather duster.
Maybe its due to stress from various factors, my tolerance level was very low and I could no longer hold back. Think it was more than 5 times on the butt area. Dont know, dont care.

Left maid to clean him up.
This morning, maid asked for hirudoid & i saw 3 red angry whip marks on his buttocks.
But u know wat, nothing changed. Still gave me a bloody hard time in the morning.
How do i go about discplining? I really dont know anymore. And am just too tired.
If there is terrible twos, is this fearless fours for me??

I think it was bit too dry and I only knew after i tried their leftovers. So they didnt quite like it. Finished about 3/4 of 1 croissant only but ate up the bits of eyes, crabmeats and eggs.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bento #29 Panda, kitty & froggie

What a start to the 1st day of September.
It reminds me of how fragile life can be and how accidents take place totally unexpectedly.
Till now, I'm quite traumatised by the incident.
It's especially so when 1 min the person is perfectly well yet the next second she isn't.
Yesterday morning at 9am, mil had a bad fall just downstairs, 2 mins after leaving home with Ks.
She was so looking forward to spending a day out with Ks alone, bringing him to the polyclinic by bus, with plans to take a double decker bus with him, since school was closed.
Yet instead of that, she had to be whisked off in an ambulance and spent the next few hours in the hospital. She was in a bit of a shock and so am I. I've never sat in an ambulance before, i dread hearing the siren now. really.
Sometimes because of her amazing stamina, I forget that she is already an elderly so in a way, I should've insisted on letting the maid go along to at least help out with carrying stuff etc.
Am thankful that she is on the road to recovery and Ks is fine too.
Also hope that the next few months of 2009 will be peaceful and 'healthy'. I've kind of had it with all the falling sick and unfortunate incidents.

I dont know why I'm so affected but to distract myself..i made something though wasnt quite in the mood. I got the idea from shoppingmum.

Sorry pics are not in are of the kids eating.

Panda & Kitty

I know there are no white froggies..but I have yet to find green pao..
Ks didnt want to eat it I downed it.
Guess he didnt quite like the huge eyes. ha ha..

Rn's bento. She ate abt more than half of it.

Ks's bento.
Hmm...i think the pao was a bit oversteamed so the skin was flaking...

I didnt expect the pork floss/jam rolls to turn out so small (3 pcs of bread u know)
thats why i added in the pao.