What a start to the 1st day of September.
It reminds me of how fragile life can be and how accidents take place totally unexpectedly.
Till now, I'm quite traumatised by the incident.
It's especially so when 1 min the person is perfectly well yet the next second she isn't.
Yesterday morning at 9am, mil had a bad fall just downstairs, 2 mins after leaving home with Ks.
She was so looking forward to spending a day out with Ks alone, bringing him to the polyclinic by bus, with plans to take a double decker bus with him, since school was closed.
Yet instead of that, she had to be whisked off in an ambulance and spent the next few hours in the hospital. She was in a bit of a shock and so am I. I've never sat in an ambulance before, i dread hearing the siren now. really.
Sometimes because of her amazing stamina, I forget that she is already an elderly so in a way, I should've insisted on letting the maid go along to at least help out with carrying stuff etc.
Am thankful that she is on the road to recovery and Ks is fine too.
Also hope that the next few months of 2009 will be peaceful and 'healthy'. I've kind of had it with all the falling sick and unfortunate incidents.
I dont know why I'm so affected but to distract myself..i made something though wasnt quite in the mood. I got the idea from
Sorry pics are not in order..here are of the kids eating.
Panda & Kitty
I know there are no white froggies..but I have yet to find green pao..
Ks didnt want to eat it though...so I downed it.
Guess he didnt quite like the huge eyes. ha ha..
Rn's bento. She ate abt more than half of it.
Ks's bento.
Hmm...i think the pao was a bit oversteamed so the skin was flaking...
I didnt expect the pork floss/jam rolls to turn out so small (3 pcs of bread u know)
thats why i added in the pao.