Monday, January 31, 2011

Pandan chiffon that didn't happen

For some reason, I'm unable to cut and copy the photos and texts so the photos are bit out of sequence here. The below pic was of the cake, after leaving to cool for an hour or so. It sank, sadly.

Finally the weekend is here and I can bake the pandan i've been wanting to. Unfortunately, the pandan chiffon cake turned out to be pandan kueh! What a joke. I guess it must have been the wrong flour used. Recipe stated top flour and i used plain flour. Should have used cake flour instead. However the texture of the pandan kueh was really nice and the pandan fragrance filled the house. We blended the pandan leaves to get the juice. Was a dark green colour.

I used the recipe from Happy Home Baker again.

The batter of pandan before popping it into the oven. The colour looks bit artificial here.

After 50mins, the cake (or so i thought...) turned out a nice brown at the top.

The toothpick turned out clean after pricking it into the cake. Felt soft and moist at the top.

Pandan fragrance was filling the entire house and kitchen. Really nice.. I love pandan!

Removing the cake from the pan. I burst out laughing when i saw how thin it was and realised

my chiffon was a flop! hahaha. When cut, it was not fluffy at all, it was like springy texture, like kueh lapis.

There you have it. My first attempt at pandan and pandan kueh.

My parents and brother loved it though. The taste was truly pandan. Not sure if it was due to the leaves or the pandan paste/essence that I added.

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