Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

I've stopped making bentos for the past month or so, due to illness.
So's a month now since the last bento.
Actually wanted to make a birthday one for Rn and also Xmas ones for the kids but didnt get down to it eventually.
Maybe next year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2010!

Wishing for 2010 to be a happier & healthier year for myself and my loved ones.
2009 was a bad one for me.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bento #50 Robotic Trio

Finally I hit my 50 bento target! Too long... especially since i have not been making much the past 2 months. I do enjoy making them, just that sometimes really need to have the mood and idea as to wat to make. Another problem is that I find it taxing that when I'm preparing the ingredients and cutting or watever, the kids would be "disturbing" at the side and it gets disruptive for me. Like having to run to the toilet for Ks or clean up watever Rn spat out or spilled on the sofa. In fact, i get quite annoyed.

Anyway i made these 3 bentos for Sat's dinner at inlaws. Since we were making fried rice so decided to make something.

Rn's bento

Ws's bento

Ks's bento

So here they are. I call them the robotic trio cos of the way their arms are placed & the squarish faces...look like robots?


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bento #49 Ugly piggy

Made these simple buns for breakfast on 11 Nov. Had no idea wat to make so since i bought some butter buns, I just decor the bun with ham & cheese to make 2 ugly pigs!

Also made 2 ham filling buns for papa to take away to office for his breakfast.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bento #48 Kitty again & bunny

Made something for little ws & the kids on Sunday 1 Nov.
(upon her request)
Decided to do spaghetti since it was easier to eat.
Was quite a rush as we were out at Gymboree class at Vivo before that and only got home like 4.30pm. No preps made so couldnt come up with anything fanciful.
Had to use cheese since it was easiest.

Ks's bento

Ws's bento. I wanted to use Elmo for her but she chose Stitch for herself.
Made kitty for her this time.

Nana's bento. turn out bit dark and yellowish...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Elmo lunchbox!

New addition to my bursting cabinet of character lunchboxes!
I think it's time I stop...

Oh but wait...i just ordered another from kaikai.
Then I think I've kinda completed the collection.

Ouch...the damage.

Bento #46 Triangle Twinsおむすび

Made this for their lunch.
Triangle twins onigiri with fish fillets & fish/crabmeat siewmai.
They finished everything!

Ks has twins but smaller ones.

Nana has 1 bigger one...and see her new Elmo lunchbox?
It's pretty big.
And of cos, she didnt eat the grapes...I did!
It was just to fill up space and also decoration...

Bento #45 Simple Mickey sandwich

Been a week since last I made something.
Wanted to try out the new bread sandwich cutter I got some time ago.
Mickey...but where're his ears?! space to press them in.

Nana's breakfast : egg mayo filling..she didnt really like the centre bits cos too much mayo i think.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bento #44 Butterfly flying high

Rn had this for her breakfast this morning. She didnt know what it was though...
I had wanted to add in some flowers at the side but ran out of smoked cheese.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bento #43 Anpanman & Kitty again

Actually I made Panda bear for Rn's breakfast this morning but by the time I woke up, she already devoured it so didnt have time for pics. But they dont look quite like pandas anyway so..

I dont know why this pic turns out this way when I upload it...
Here are their lunch bentos for today: Anpanman & kitty again.
Fried udon by my dad and beef patty that we made the other day which i froze.

Nana's bento

Ks's bento

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bento #42 Miffy

Mil brought porridge for breakfast this morning so Rn had these Miffy rabbits for her morning snack while out for her daily morning stroll at the clubhouse. Just simple jam-filled sandwiches.
She gobbled down the crabmeat and cheese first and then the 'bare' rabbits.
I've always liked Miffy but unfortunately its hard to get Miffy stuff here. Only in Japan or maybe Ebay or something.

Her features are so simple, just 2 small eyes and a cross for her mouth.
But she's so cute, dont you think?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

New tools from Bento Market

I ordered this some time ago from Bento Market, for the Shinkansen lunchbox.
Finally arrived on 2 weeks ago on Thursday.

Shinkansen lunchbox, alphabet picks, leaf picks and Miffy cutters.
Realised that it's been a week since my last bento made.
Been tired and also having early nights with Ks (so that I can watch my fav Korean dvd) so havent been making anything.
Also need to get more ideas to use different ingredients for the side dishes.
Have yet to try out the Panda breadmaker and miffy cutters.
Will see if I can come up with something on Wed...

Banto #41 Bunny beehoon

We stayed home today so since maid was frying some beehoon for lunch, I decided to do something simple as I was quite tired.

Bunny on beehoon with fish nuggets.
Their cheeks were a touch of ketchup each.

Ks finished most of it.

Rn who had been very fussy lately with meals, hardly touched it. Only ate up one nugget and 1/4 of the beehoon.

Bento #40 Batman for 4th Birthday & one for papa

24 Sept: Ks went for his school excursion to the veg farm with papa.
I made Batman bento and another simple bento for papa to bring along.
This was his first excursion with papa.

With Shoya, his best friend in class.

Batman bento with Hapy Bday words. (not spelling error space to fit in!)

Papa's bento

Bento #39 Boy & girl

I've slowed down in making bentos cos not in much of a mood lately.
Also didnt want to feed the kids too much processed food.
Here are some bentos I made few days back.

21 Sept 09:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bento #38 Little lions

Ks wasnt around this morning so I made some lions with carrot chicken ham filling in wholemeal bread for Rn.

She finished almost everything!

Bento #37 New tools & Currypanman

Finally my order from jstuff of ebay arrived on Saturday. I got some moulds and quail egg moulds, bread mould & barans.

13 Sept 09 Sunday

Since we had no plans in the morning, I decided to make something more proper for the kids' lunch.
Didnt have any ideas so since i bought some jap brown fishcake, I tried Currypanman (another character in Anpanman series. Again...)
I fried some ketchup rice together with silverfish, boiled broccoli, carrots. I realised that Currypanman kind of blended in with the ketchup rice colour so he didnt stand out that much.
Maybe I should have made some plain whitish fried rice instead.

Ks's bento

Rn's bento

He loved the rice and fed himself happily. (i really hope he will always stay a happy boy, not grouchy so mama wont be so tired and stressed all the time!)

He didnt finish all the rice..only had slightly more than half of it.
It's always easier to capture him eating and though i'd love to take more pics of the little princess eating, it's difficult cos she's usually very restless walking up and down so the photos turn out blurry.

Bento #36 Bear & bunny

13 Sept 09

Last week was a really bad week for me. Breathlessness, heart racing like mad, anxiety.
Wasnt quite in the mood or state to make anything fancy.

Another simple bear & bunny jam sandwich.

Bento #35 Cars

11 Sept 09

Ks and his car breakfast.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Bento #34 Froggie

9 Sept 09

A simple froggie breakfast for the kids.